Saturday, October 17, 2009


“Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said,

 “I will never leave you nor forsake you”,

 So that we can confidently say,

“The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me”?

Hebrews 13:5-6

The book of Hebrews in its entirety is one that should be read throughout the nations. It has become one of my favorites ever since I was in high school because of its great witness to the power of Faith. Most people overlook faith as just an idea or belief in God, but there is so much more. Faith is the “assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).  When Paul pens the word assurance, it means the “utter certainty” in the things hoped for.  Sometimes believers, including myself, find it hard to have this “utter certainty”.

And at that point and time in place, we need to recall the verse, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. This verse alone is priceless to me. I find God continually reminding me that I am his daughter and he would never leave me in the dust to fend for myself. It is about time we realize our worth and value in God and start acting like the princesses and princes he has declared we are. And when we realize this, we can say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.” This is easier said than done for me since I come from a family of worrywarts. Honestly if you’re the daughter of Christ, what can man do to you?  And that’s when M.C. Hammers song pops in my head…”Can’t touch this! Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun…Cant touch this!” 

Friday, October 2, 2009


Life in general can become mediocre when left in continual routine and lacking any interest. When one finds themselves in this un-tasteful predicament the solution can be found in one simple word. PASSION. It is the north point to the compass to life and our key to finding happiness in what we do. 

A life without passion is like a world with out color. Or better yet, food without flavor. Passion is one of the many spices of life (I hope that’s not too much of a cliché). What is the point to living if there's no flavor? When given the option of a delicious Coldstone creation or a scoop of plain vanilla ice cream, most do not go for the plain and simple. As humans we desire more. However, just because we want more does not mean we strive to achieve it. With that said, it is essential to posses passion in every aspect of life. If life were that scoop of ice cream, passion would be the mixed in cookie dough or sprinkles that make it exciting. (This whole Coldstone analogy is the effect of living with three girls who work there and bring it home on a daily basis. Got of love my roomies. =]  )

The passion in my life revolves around baking.  I've practically been baking since I could crawl. I was never the All-Star athlete or the theater fanatic. But I was always good in the kitchen. Then one day I made the connection. My dad taught me growing up “Find something your good at, and find a career in it”. That is why I now know my future. I AM going to open a bakery…someday. And until that day comes, I'll be here enhancing my baking skills and deepening my admiration for food.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Between Spring and Fall

Summer, a time of freedom and self enlightenment, a time of rest. The summer I spent after my first year at college embodied this ideal to its core. The journey home was short, very short....15 minutes short.  

Most of this vacation from school was spent with my long time friend Allison. A little background on Alli is that she has been  my BFF pretty much  since we were in kindergarden. What can I say, I'm not  a person for change. As the years of higher education came, she left...for Art School in San Fran(lucky bugger). Her coming home was strange to say the least. When she was living the high life in San Fran we really didn't keep in touch. We're both not too keen on long talks over the phone. The reunion took place outside coffee bean and all I remember thinking is"She better not be too cool for her small town bestie in Apricottville". Evidently that was not the case and we soon found our common ground.We had both gain some freshman 15 and vowed we would loose it hopefully just as fast as it grew. 

Soon we were back to normal. Our days passed by with numerous trips to the beach. And even more "chill sessions"  watching genius comedies such as,"Step Brothers". I can quote practically every scene from that movie...I see that as a great accomplishment. =] I am eternally grateful for the many friends I have who share my love for retardedly brilliant movies. For those of you who don' can be replaced. 
On another note, besides long summer nights with old friends, there was THE COOKBOOK. By far the best cookbook I have ever got my hands on. "The Culinary Institute of America:Baking at Home" changed my life. If there's one thing to know about me, it is that I love to bake. I love to bake so much that I am dead set on opening a bakery. So far I have successfully made Tiramisu, Strawberry Tarts, Lemon Buttermilk cakes, Rugalech( Hungarian cookies), the PERFECT brownie recipe and many many more. Baking has been my biggest passion for sometime now, and I long to live a life full of it. I am aware of the risks I take by opening a bakery. And I am fully okay with the fact that I will most likely resemble a cupcake as I age. I could talk about baking forever, so I'll wrap things up. Overall this summer was definatly one I will remember when Im old and gray and looking like a cupcake. 
Well for now, thats all folks.